Thus it was to give expeditious of integral time in its manufactures? without nothing to know of fashion, sewing, models, commerce, relations, in end you are welcome verses nothing. But wise that everything that it needed was in its interior and if it called: will. It rolled up sleeves and as loba hungry set to work it? of the seven 22:00? it quickly learned to diagnosis because the shirts that it manufactured were not well accepted for the estimated customers. It learned to farejar the market? it learned to feel the taste of the fashion? remembered its land? of the parties of new year where all dressed white, remembered the presentations in the beach in it finish day of each year, when the centers of umbanda and of candombl, they made its offerings? all dresses of white. It found the way? it lacked to learn to draw? to make with that its drawings turned desired only parts e. It started with white shirts? always white? some models? all with the dribbled ones, the incomes and the souvenirs of its land and its beliefs. Had been transferred the years of lead? of arduous work? until one became the most known estilista of the world? if one may use the expression for there ‘ ‘ all only want to know of cachaa that I drink, but nobody wants to know of the tumbles that I levo’ ‘ – thus it became the most specialized in white shirts? that she has the privilege to dress people as: ‘ ‘ A Thurman, Britney Spears, Catherine Deneuve, Michelle Obama, Carla Bruni and many others celebridades’ ‘. Today our girl is known in the world all as ‘ ‘ estilista’ ‘ of the white shirts, she arrives to draw more than 1,4 a thousand parts, but nor all really are produced, why these drawings are presented for choice of only parts, exclusive.
The parts produced in scales? they are vendidas in 70 boutiques, spread for the diverse countries of the world? Europe, Japan, United States. Seventy, are a provisory number, because it continues working. Clearly, that in its store beyond the famous white shirts, also other parts are vendem, always fashion articles, mainly feminine clothes? accessories? stock markets, belts? everything drawn and produced by the estilista, that espiritada girl there of the building of the street of the laranjeiras. I was so empolgado that I almost forgot myself to inform? if it will be in Paris? or another center of world-wide fashion? to want to make an exclusive purchase? it is prepared to spend in a three hundred shirt up to seven a thousand Reals. It looks for Anne Fontaine? if it does not worry about the language? it says Brazilian and optimum Portuguese? carioqus, if you will be daqui. If it will not be able to take care of to it personally, it was not estresse therefore, it must be travelling, for this mundo that God gave to it to become a winner.