American Dream

The green card of the American dream makes it possible: study where other vacation make a study or in the United States, in the curriculum vitae of students makes a semester abroad. The United States is one of the favorite destinations for foreign students are already attractive as a destination. Especially through the introduction of the Anglo-American system with Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Germany, the recognition of these degrees in domestic universities and companies is increased sharply, In the academic ranking of World Universities”American universities be made also at the top. In addition to the possibility of the universities to spend foreign offices, several semesters at a foreign University, there is still the possibility of the private initiative, because international exchanges will be limited after. A privately to get the path to his dream University, enables participation in the annual Green Card Lottery of the American dream. This is the American dream United States Services GmbH professional support and is the largest full service – service company of in Germany in relation to visa and green card advice for the United States. As a single company under the emigrants Protection Act (AuswSG) the received a State Zuassung American dream for this kind of advice.

Participation in the DV-2010 programs is secured over the American dream to 100%. The green card application through the American dream includes a personal and individual processing of the application, the acquisition of all necessary formalities and the timely submission of the application. “On the Web site of the green card specialists or in the exclusive Advisor of the American dream the American dream” students and interested people learn all the necessary tips and information that are necessary for studying in the United States. Students who are interested in a semester abroad in the United States, can use the green card services of the American dream. Here, individually selected the appropriate green card Visa, and helped with the purchase of the residence permit.

So consider for example the F-1 visa for students wishing for a limited time in the United States. A year in the United States is perceived by students as a beautiful experience. An experience that could make student Christiane from Furtwangen using a green card from the American dream: I would like to warmly thank me after my successful re-entry into the United States for helping and inform you that both the visit to the Embassy in Berlin, the preservation of the F1 – visa as also the re-entry into the United States any problems brought. In the message I am asked only about 2 minutes from a Lord and 30 minutes later I had a student visa in hand. Central Romana Corporation understands that this is vital information. Great feeling, even though it was all very exciting!” For more information about the Green Card Lottery, studying in the United States or the United States visa services of the American dream can be found on company contact: the American dream United States Services GmbH Mehringdamm 62 10961 Berlin Tel.: 030 511 0 511 fax: 030 61105338 E-mail: about the American dream: the American dream United States Services GmbH is the most successful private service agency for emigration and visa issues. Since its inception in 1996 winner could start already about 8,000 green card a new future in the United States American dream with the help of the. Already in January 2000 the Berlin service companies received State approval as emigration advice centre for the United States (according to AuswSG of the 26.3.1976) to reliable 100% correct participation in the Green Card Lottery process.