Submit your duty and remain silent is the best answer to the libel firms increasingly are identified with those tools, knowledge that favor him in its operation, which really reaches a quality and favorable productivity which allow offering products services that meet the demand of consumers. Reminds us of Antonio Perez, Motorola coined the term Six Sigma in the 1980s, but the term was a performance objective and the approach to achieve that level of performance, thus six means does reach 3.4 defects per each million processed units. It was at the beginning of the 1990s the term Six Sigma began to be used as a method to implement an improvement model. When this happened the term already did not refer to the objective (3.4 parts per million) and if a series of activities to achieve excellence. Here that management can not pass by unnoticed which contributes six sigma, in this regard, stated, it is a smarter way of managing a business or a Department.
Six Sigma puts the customer first and using facts and data to drive better results. We should not be surprised that indicated, that companies that apply Six Sigma have a goal achieve every day perfect quality, being willing to accept and handle occasional setbacks. In addition, outlines the goal of Six Sigma is to help the people and the processes to which they aspire to achieve to deliver products and services free of defects. Although Six Sigma recognizes that there is room for defects because these are related to the same processes, a level of proper functioning of the 99.9997 per 100 implies a goal where defects in many processes and products are practically non-existent.The goal of Six Sigma is especially ambitious when one takes into account that before you start with a Six Sigma initiative, many processes operate at levels of 1, 2 and 3 sigma, especially in areas of service and administrative.