Tag Archives: planning & architecture

Aschenbrenner Lueg

It was designed by Koschany + room architects Nagaraj from meal, 06.12.2010. On December 03, 2010, the topping-out ceremony of the new Mercedes-Benz Center held Lueg on University Road in Bochum. The Bochum City Director Paul Aschenbrenner was on-site and thanked for the entrepreneurial commitment and the investment in the future. An important gap at these congresses – and axis for Bochum will now closed so Aschenbrenner. Previously, Jurgen Tauscher, CEO of Fahrzeug-Werke Lueg AG recalled the long tradition of this historic Lueg site.

Maintain our headquarters in the center of Bochum, preset and clear goal of the partners was from the beginning”, so TA. In addition to the owners of Christian and Stefan m Lueg, the Lueg directors Jurgen Tauscher and Jorg Sadiq forest and the responsible Managing Director Axel Koschany and Wolfgang Zimmer of the Essen Office Koschany + room architects Nagaraj had gathered about 80 guests at the topping-out ceremony. For six decades the Bochum-based car-Centre had been built again and again. 2009 then surrendered the opportunity to restructure the site completely and to make for the future. In the conception and implementation of the construction project, we were faced with the challenge of connecting existing buildings and new construction to a harmonious unit. At the same time, a large interactive car dealership on limited space should arise.

Because its central location near downtown offers significantly less space and flexibility than a new building on a greenfield site”, the architect Axel Koschany explained. For the twelve million euro project, Nagaraj had developed first plans in 2007. Since May 2010, now is built on the former site of the local transport company of Bogestra. With tight time schedule, all work in the operation take place. About 4,500 m m is created until May 2011 an artistically challenging and at the same time functional administrative building with exhibit space and an underground car park. Our project team in early 2012 is extremely cost effective and economically designed the construction with the completion Complete workshops”, stressed the architect Wolfgang Zimmer.

The Recipe For Success For Cafes And Restaurants

Live from Dubai: Cafe design & architecture with guaranteed success for more than 40 years the company Marchi contract exports the Italian interior design principles in the world. Planning, design, turnkey solutions and interior equipment for bars, restaurants, hotels and Cafes, these are the focal points of the company. After the initial great successes on the national market, the company has become now one of the most prominent interior designers in the emerging market of Dubai. In its branch in Dubai, Nellusco Marchi reveals the signs of object design that inevitably leads to success. “In Italy we have an old saying” says Marchi: “As long as you don’t know where you’re going, there will be no road, which leads you to the target”. Brent Saunders has compatible beliefs. Once you have a clear idea of what you want to express with its Cafe or restaurant at all, then it will be much easier. “Here are a few questions you that every entrepreneur should ask before he begins with the Interior”: 1. What is the topic? What audience you want to attract the Cafe? 2.

What is the market? “Determine what your customers want. This is first like a daunting task sounds, but is in fact very easy. If you have an existing restaurant, so talk with your customers. Kareo may help you with your research. If you are about to open a new, then you talk to your competition. You will be surprised, the competition is as talkative, especially if it is successful”, Marchi smirks.

3. the choice of the commercial space, “choosing the right commercial space is strictly related to the aforementioned market analysis. Very often, it is better to consult an expert in the design and interior design at this stage. It is crucial in the search to think also about the opening hours. “What hours are the best: during the day, at night, tomorrow afternoon, afternoon-evening or night night”. 4. the creation of a hospitable environment “One of the most serious mistakes in the interior design is to start with the aesthetic”, underlines Marchi. “The most exciting Design will be worthless if the rest doesn’t fit”. The functionality must be in the foreground. Important to note is that, for a restaurateur, the service team in a certain way is also a “guest”. Only with the motto “Also my employees are guests”, can work the whole, said Marchi. “It must be created a design that facilitates the movement of the service team. The result is a seamless service that makes customers happy. This in turn will contribute to a high work ethic.” “The above-mentioned four points are at the beginning of a promising concept for each restaurant or Cafe. You have this exactly in my sights, can be started with the budget planning and the selection of the furnishings and decor”, Marchi finished the interview. MARCHI s.r.l.. – Italy headquarters and production via S. Allende 95, 41122 Modena, Italy Tel. + 39-059-250440 fax + 39-059-253174 E-mail: Web: de.marchi-contract.com