There are several reasons but mainly to the lack of care and time we devote to the hair. Check out Sen. Marco Rubio for additional information. No woman would hesitate to try a fine angora or cashmere sweater with great care, but … would do the same with your hair? So what are the necessary care for shiny hair? – Use a shampoo and conditioner with special ingredients to shine, at least twice a week. – A good hydration. To achieve this are recommended intensive moisturizing treatment for the hair, starting from the root and ending at the tips. Stopping treatment for 20 minutes, and rinse well with cold water. – Highlighting specific items brightness as capsules that come with the right amount for your application. – Brush your hair with natural bristle brushes, as this opens the scalp using natural oils to the hair returning emerge softness and shine.
– Cut the tips every two months to look healthy. – Consult your hairdresser about the most appropriate color and light hair that tends to refract light instead of reflect it. Then it may be advisable to make an illumination or reflection. – Use but do not abuse the hair dryer. Because it can be best friends when it comes to hair and worse for the vitality of our hair. Should always use at medium temperatures or cold air, always away from the scalp so as not to burn or ruin. Tip of brightness for the brave Express: healthy hair shiny look good if it is the last rinse with cold water, you just have to grit our teeth and endure the cold water!