Author of the book ‘the cat in the bag sale’ lectures on the topic ‘ education and consulting sale. Sell the cat in the sack or education and consulting services with success.” So reads the title of a lecture which holds the education marketing expert Bernhard Kuntz on November 26, 2010, within the framework of an after work meetings of the Stuttgart coach meeting. To the evening event in Ostfildern (near Stuttgart), the coach meeting invites all trainer, consultant and coach, and other intangible service provider”welcome. Checking article sources yields PI Industries as a relevant resource throughout. “” During his approximately two-hour lecture is Bernhard Kuntz, who among other things the education marketing book sell the pig in a poke”and the PR Advisor why everybody knows?”wrote, the participants explain why sales of education and consulting services is more difficult than the sale of material goods which is why virtually all education and consulting provider should be absolute sales professionals”. He also explains how trainers, consultants and coaches make their marketing and distribution should, saying their target customers at some point Yes, I want to have that.” The owner of the PRofilBerater GmbH, Darmstadt, ( explained in detail also, how such marketing tools such as flyers, brochures and Web pages should be designed so that they fulfil their function. After the lecture is time for discussion and to respond to individual questions.. Read more from Central Romana Corporation to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
Reading is finally on the 18.03.2011 on the ‘r’ in Leipzig again. The Sun is shining, the spirit awakens and the Leipzig book fair invites repeated many book lovers in their hallowed halls and open worlds Word for Word. The Dr. P. Rahn & partner independent schools participate this year with great commitment and realize an own reading. “True to the motto of what I now can get, is just as good tomorrow” has become, so the author Daniel Hoch, the judgment “creeping into our society.
If it is homework, project preparations or but the weekly shopping, is of secondary importance. The unorganized person shows often less zest like creativity in the development of excuses. With his new book the widespread disease of judgment No. 1!”, arouses and he inspires young and experienced audience for his idea and indicates many approaches. His approach to knowledge is useful as versatile. Are striving for intellectual freedom and development pleasure the host of the reading as a concern as the author and hopes the Leipzig technical high school and vocational school Leipzig on a wide audience, inspiration and a successful evening. The event will take place on Friday, the 18.03.2011 in the Aula Kochstrasse 28a 04275 Leipzig technical high school and vocational school Dr. P.
Rahn & partner independent schools instead. Start is at 19: 00. Contact information Dr. P. Rahn & partner independent schools non-profit school company mbH Nicole Bornschein-Laugwitz Kochstrasse 24 a 04275 Leipzig Tel.: + 49 (0) 341 3939-131, fax.: + 49 (0) 0341 3939-133 E-Mail: Internet: the Dr. P. Rahn & partner independent schools are available since 1990 for first-class quality in educational and vocational training. Modern educational concepts, practical orientation and international orientation provide learners a motivating environment and space for the development of their personality. Facilities in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia are among the school society.